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AGE Software applications are designed to work in conjunction with Clarity / Niku.   They have been designed to contain robust functionality while providing the user with a simplistic interface.

Clarity / Niku Products

   AGE Administrator

Simplify Clarity / Niku Administration!   AGE Administrator puts a user-friendly Windows front-end on some of the more cumbersome Clarity and Niku administration screens.   Add and edit projects, resources, rights, and more in seconds.   Use tabs instead of pages, grids instead of single-item fields, and dropdown lists instead of search pages.

   The Archive AGE

Archive Project and Time Sheet information into another Repository.

   AGE Audit

Automate the Timesheet process.   Age Audit verifies Clarity / Niku timesheets against a list of maintainable rules.   Timesheets can be automatically approved and / or rejected.   Email notifications are automatically sent after timesheets are submitted.

   Age Xogger

Simplify Clarity XOG!   AGE Xogger puts a user-friendly Windows front-end in front of the Clarity XOG.   Read and Write data using the Clarity XOG simply and easily.


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